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Comparing iOS and Android Development: Pros and Cons

The two major players in mobile app development are Apple and Android. Each platform has advantages and disadvantages, and each forum faces challenges. Research is essential before hiring a mobile app development company to develop your application.

The Benefits of Apple Development

The market share is the most significant advantage of development for Apple. Apple’s iOS platform is the dominant mobile platform in America, representing nearly 60% of all mobile devices. It is easy to reach large audiences by developing for Apple, as Apple has such a vast market share.

The revenue potential is another benefit to developing for Apple. Apple users are more likely than others to earn higher incomes and buy apps. Apple’s App store also has a better revenue model than Google Play. This makes it easier for you to plan and predict future earnings.

Apple development is simplified. App Store approval is quick and straightforward, making it easier for your app to be uploaded.

The Cons of Developing for Apple

The most significant problem with developing for Apple is its high cost. Apple’s developer fees can quickly add up and are more expensive than Google’s. Apple’s strict approval and guidelines can take a lot of time, leading to higher development costs.

The limited reach of Apple development is another disadvantage. Although Apple holds a larger market share than Android, it is still smaller than Androids. You will need to create for both platforms if you want your app to reach as many users as possible.

The Benefits of Android Development

Android apps have the largest market share. Android currently holds nearly 80 percent of the global mobile market share. Therefore, it is an excellent way to reach the widest audience possible by developing for Android.

The cost of developing Android is another benefit. It is generally less expensive to develop for Android than for Apple. Google’s developer fees and approval process are much more flexible than Apple’s. This means that you can bring your app to market quicker and for a lower price.

Customization is the final benefit of developing for Android. Android’s open-source platform allows developers to modify their apps to make them more user-friendly. This is an excellent way to create an engaging and unique experience.

The Cons of Developing For Android

Fragmentation is one of the most significant drawbacks to developing Android. Android is open-source, meaning many operating systems and devices are running it. It can be challenging to ensure that your app is compatible across all devices and provides a consistent user experience.

The potential for piracy is another downside to developing Android. Because Android is open-source, users can easily pirate apps and make them available for free. This could make it more challenging to generate revenue with your app.


Both Android and Apple have their pros and cons. Each platform presents its challenges. When choosing which platform to develop, it is essential to consider your target audience, development timeframe, and budget. It’s up to the app developer to choose the right platform for their app.
